Thursday, May 1, 2008

What's the differences .......

Charlie seems to have a new fascination with gender labels. I guess it comes with the whole potty scene. He is constantly labeling who is a boy and who is a girl, he's just over 2 so its really cute. Amazingly he seems to get it right most of the time.

So. I ask, what is it that makes him able to see the difference between girls and boys. Yes he is always joining Dad or I in the bathroom, but we've never had the "Daddy has a p***s, Charlie has one, too" or the "No, Mommy doesn't have one" conversations. Heck, I don't even think it has anything to do with that.

In our house, both Dad and Mom cook, clean, etc. Charlie has both many cars and trucks, as well as a kitchen set and baby doll. Even when it comes to his cousins, or babies, he seems accurate more often than not. It makes me wonder what he sees while he's noticing differences.

Just thinking ......

1 comment:

sweetpeas said...

Chase definately went through this and still loves to talk about boys and girls differences. I recently took him to a doctors appointment with me and he told my doctor "Mommy has a Hoo Hoo and Daddy has a Hoo Hoo Dinny"! She laughed so hard at his terminology. Kids say the darndest things, right?